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Children learning with Tablets


EYEPlay ADAPT (All Different Abilities Participate and Thrive)


  • Funded by The Spencer Foundation

  • $399,000

  • 10 preschool classrooms in Phoenix, Arizona serving students with diverse (dis)abilities

  • Big Questions: How can we improve EYEPlay to better support all learners' diverse strengths and abilities? How can we improve our research tools to better capture all students' learning through drama?

EYEPlay Randomized Control Trial


  • Funded by the U.S. DoE Arts Education Development and Dissemination program

  • $2,228,135

  • 90 preschool classrooms in Phoenix Metro Area

  • Big Question: How does participating in EYEPlay support preschoolers' language, literacy, and socio-emotional development, compared to preschoolers in business-as-usual classrooms in the same districts?

EYEPlay Dual Language


  • Funded by the Helios Education Foundation

  • $721,000 and $1,590,000

  • 13 dual language preschool classrooms in Phoenix, AZ and 11 dual language preschool classrooms in Orlando, FL

  • Big Question: How does drama-based story time support Spanish and English acquisition for Spanish and English learners in dual language presc

Drama Frames for K-3 Multiple Language Streams


  • Funded by the U.S. DoE Professional Development for Arts Educators Program

  • $298,673

  • 26 K-3 classrooms (mainstream, dual language, and structured English immersion) in Phoenix, AZ

  • Big Question: How does participation in drama-based literacy learning support reading achievement for K-3 students in mainstream, dual language, and SEI classrooms, compared to students' in business-as-usual classrooms?

EYEPlay Development


  • Funded by the Helios Education Foundation

  • $347,000

  • 37 preschool classrooms in Phoenix Metro Area

  • Big Question: How does participating in EYEPlay support students’ literacy skills, measured by teacher observational assessments, compared to a demographically-matched control group?

Drama Frames Development


  • Funded by the U.S. DoE Arts Integration Model Development and Dissemination Program

  • $951,528

  • 81 4th, 5th, and 6th grade classrooms in Phoenix, AZ

  • Big Question: How does participating in Drama Frames support students’ writing skills, measured by district administrated Six Traits of Writing assessments, compared to business-as-usual classrooms?

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